Under Villas and Apartments you’ve noticed choices of Date range, Beds, Bed rooms, Pool, Geographical Area and Star rating.
Date range: if you know your travelling dates, then enter check-in and check out dates to see what is available. Please leave this out if you are flexible on traveling dates since we have the total overview and might offer you alternatives that doesn’t display. Booked dates are greyed out so you can easily swop through the months and see available dates.
Beds: You can search for number of beds, let say you are looking for five beds, in an accommodation and the number in parentesis (10) showing how many units have exactly five beds. But if you search for six beds those ten options wont come up. Please be aware of that many units allow more persons then beds displayed, so please narrow down your search close to what you need and see the Quick Summary for the accommodation chosen and learn if the unit allows more persons. Sometimes, if the unit allow, we can rent out extra beds if it is not included in the inventory and still be able to confirm the reservation.
Pool: Shared pools are common in connection with apartments and some villas that have a shared pool for the tenants in the area. If you have booked a villa with private pool, it is never shared with anyone else during your stay.
Geographical Area: The slider on the front page presents all our accommodations areas. The geographical area takes you directly to an over view what is offered from north to south; Saladan, along Klong Dao Beach, along Long Beach and finally Kantiang in the southern part of Lanta.
Star rating: Star rating system is explained here.
Travelling with children: Depending on the space in the unit, often children from 0-3 years are allowed in the existing double bed of you reached maximum beds already. This is indicated clearly in the Quick Summary. Please send us an e-mail if you want to get help of finding the best solution for you and indicate the age of children at the travelling date.
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